Thursday, December 16, 2010

my parent a my life.

really happy with my life like this....
thanks to my dear father and my family for rising me until now... ur a my savior... i really hope that i can give u all the happiness in this world from me. the time when i was start breathing that olny my father n mother i can see.. im sorry.. i know i am really bad daughter for u. but i'll try to be the best  for u.. i really love u all mom n dad.. i dont care wht u want i do, even that really hard, i can accept that like i happy.. i willing to do anythings u want,if that really can make u happy.. i realy want to make u a happy person in this world... no words i can describe on u all.. u a so lovely and u just to good for me,mom n dad... thanks so much

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