Wednesday, May 22, 2013


salam hi...ok.. now aku na crita sikit pasal semester 2 aku yg bru je abis ni... semester 2 ni merupakan sem yg sgt sgt mencabar bg aku... segala yg aq lalui dr awl sehingga la akhirnya.....semua penuh dgn dugaan yg tersendiri but however i manage to survive.. thank God.. atcually dr semua aspek adlh masalh... cth sprt dr aspek pelajaran, pensyarah, housemate, kawan dan fmly... aku bkn na mengeluh ke ape kan.. cume na berkongsi.. sesungguhnya aku tahu bhwa ape yg terjadi pasti ada hikimah nye... btul x? aku still ingat lg bile aku masuk 2nd class utk subject english studies in managament n business.... madam ***... wau... hebat btol aq kne sound ngan die ari tu... menangis gile2 aku..yela klu mara semua skali x pe.. ni hanya mention pada aku semata2 then smpai terjerit2 die kat kelas tu smbil pndang aku,... huh.. memang x leh lupa... ni smo gara2 kesilapan tertib anta msg kat letcurer but ..... sbnarnye.. aq x taip pun msg tu... aq suruh org lain taip kan but gune no phone aku... then skali die mengamuk die tn " just now who sent me a message?" then aq angkat la tgn kan... then dgn jelingan dan tenunggan mata yg sgt tajam die kata... " a u my boss?" who do u think u are?" this all happen just bcuz of the word that my frend had use which is "i just want to remind u about the class....." blablabla.... so on.... how can u use word *REMIND YOU*..?? u siapa na mengarah sye? u ingat a, u adalah student and im u latcurer.. how can u send me this rude msg... wahhh... aq terus mengalir air mata..... x henti2 plak tuh... x thn beb.. sebak na mapus.. rse mcm na kuar kelas tuh je... aku pikir kne hormat pensyarah je aq diam... perh... darah aq naik btol2 the highest sgt da ni.... aigoo... but then aq diam je n lepas kelas minta maaf kat dia wlpun bkn salah aku... but my letcurer was so nice... she just maafkan aq n give me an advice.. then aq pun terima je.. thx madam.. i love u madam... heheh then subject sem lepas sgt berat n byk assgmnment x henti2.. but alhamdulillah semuanya membuahkan hasil... ni la kata nya senang2 dulu n susa2 kmudian.... pas2 housemate plak dpt yg btol2 x nagm punye.. dorang mcm samseng na mapus.. rimas gile aq.. 1st masuk je da mcm na gaduh.. haha then rumah yg aq duduk tu plak jd case... rumah terbaka n ade org mcm unsurkan dendam... cuak lak aq.. then kami sgt penat kne gi bt report kat balai berbagai2 then tuka umh bru.. enat na mamp ari tu.. x leh lupa ari tu... then pasal kwn lak.. hahaha... semua kwn aq ade prob masing2 n klu da stress mcm ni la jd nye... smo da x bersatu ati.... aku gaduh ngan member aq... time tu aq rse mcm dorang x paham aq ke? or aku yg x paham dorang?? but alhamdulillah smo da selesai dgn saling memaafkan diantra stu sama lain... dgn restu Allah... then pasal fmly plak.... kali ni sgt mencabar aq.. bpak aq jatuh mule2... mcm na mati aq dgr mule2... then time aq bru je blek umh, bpk aq kne heart attack.. ya Allah... memang aq x sangka.... then masuk emergncy the tros bwk kat ICU... aq pikir balik pun da na mengalir air mata aku... aq memang x leh na bayang kan idup aku tanpa bapak aq n mak aku disisi.. aku mybe blh jd gila tnpa dorang ni... time tu la aq ade byk assgmnt, presentation, kne gi interview compny la... pas2 kne siap kan proposal plak tuh... tp timme tu aq redha je... aq pasrah dgn ape yg berlaku... sebabkan aq terima seadanya ape yg terjadi, Allah mempermudahkan kerja aku... aq bt asgmnt aq kat hospital tu.. then aq email kat ahli yg lain.. tu je aku mampu.. nasib dorang pun paham aku. thx kak nazirah n nazrin...^^ doctor ckp klu bwk bpk aq lmbt seminit pun memang susa na selamat kan.... thx for my pakcik bakar n makcik safiah... love u... Allah beri aku dugaan tetapi masa yg sama Allah memberikan pertolongan kpd aku.. thx Allah.. then lpas da abis exam smo aku dpt tau yg bpk aku sakit n ade 2 block kat jntung die.. doct. suruh bt surgery but my dad dont want.. katanya takut jd ape2 time na operation tuh... aku pun x tau na ckp ape... yg aku mampu just berdoa kpd yg maha Esa.... semoga Allah sembuhkan penyakit ayah ku n emak ku .... AMIN.... just that for now. bye sarang haeyo.... assalamualaikum.... :)

Monday, May 13, 2013

my brother.... ^^

ok... na story sikit ni.... aku teringat apa yang kawan aku tanya kan kat aku dulu..... die tanya.... kau x rindu ke kat abang kau??? aku jadi kaku na jawab soalan tu... benda senang je sebenarnya xp tibe2 jadi susah....... aku rapat ngan abang aku but..... aku still susaa na jwb.. y? y? until now aku masih x berikan ape jawaban kat kwn aku..... sebb aku pun still ngan pikir.. nape susah sgt na jwb ek? rindu abg?erm sgt jarang... bkn sebb aku x sayang abg ke ape ke... for me... abg aku byk tolong aku n fmly even there is many wrong things he is doing... this time i think carefully n feel like want to cry .. dont know why? YEAH, HOWEVER HE IS MY BROTHERS... mybe i dont have an missing feeling bcuz he always hangou wif he frends and sometimes its realy hard to meet my bro in our own home... but i understand that bcuz e is a boy, than he might be so bored to keep stay in home , as u know my brothers is the only boy sibling that i have in my home... so he dont have a frend n that kind of so so boring ryte? that is why he always go here n there but he just cant stay home for one days without going anyways... that is mybe im not missing he while i so miss my others family member such as my mom, father n dear sis... there is bcuz always hangout with they all... i cant thinking my day without them.. its so bored... but now..... i just think again.. im quit close wit my bro but i it really true that i dont miss him at all... ??? but now i feel like crying bcuz im missing my bro too much.... that is nothing like im hate or didnt love my bro atcually... i just use to not hangout wif my bro everytimes....that is make me feel lil bit hard to miss he. ok, as my mom say that he feel somethings bad wof my bro... mybe he had a problem or anythings else.... now im thinking, it is so weird when i see my bro in home for fully 1 days and follow by the next day..... he just hangout for 1 or 2 hours then he back to home.... wouu... what the surprised...? haha.. funny... but cant just u think it too... dont u think is somethings minght be hurt my bro its really happen..? i keep bro kinda smooth hearted person... he just like a girl... so soft but he didnt show it bcz he is a guy n he really a responsible son n bro for me.. he could try he best to make my parent not upset but eahh sometimes our life flow didnt go on like what we want ryte.... we a not a perfect child that can make fulfill our parent wish just like that ryte.. too bad... sometimes to be a parent is so hurting seasons.. i would like to say im sorry mom n dad.... i love u.. and i'll try my best to maake u glad with me... ok lets go to the conclusions...... i think i miss my bro n always love he but i just dont feel so sad for not seing he for 2 or 3 week bcuz im not used to minggle with him everytimes but as long as i know that he is doing fine and in a good conditions it is will make me feel gud n c0ol baby.. hehe :) i love u brother...

Sunday, November 18, 2012

AbOuT LOvEeee..... !

erm..... what u think about love...?? love was really conflict metter.... that is why i dont want to love anyone... but...hurm... hehe .... i just tryin to runaway from love..  cinta ni sgt suci, sgt sempurna rasanya apabila dapat memilikinya but nowadays.... love become more stupid thing that i ever heard.....cinta sekarang disalahgunakan oleh sesetengah manusia....  manusia seperti dah tak menghargai cinta dan seperti tidak mengenali dan memahami erti cinta yg sebenarnya....  the fact, i was realy scared when it comes  to love..... for me.. until now.... i really  want
 my 1st love as my husband and it will become as my last love also... but...... boleh ke aku mendapat lelaki yg sesuai... okay.. its not abt the guy is match wif  or not... is all abt.... can he take care of me until our last longer life..???  can he accept who i am ??  hurm... and the most important is...  dia mestilah seorang yang bole guide aku utk ke syurga and beriman kepada Allah swt... and then respect my parents.... than i will be like slave. hahaha what the.... slave?? emmm.. no ... but as a good wife n i'll take care of him.... u know somethings..... smlm akak aku cite pasal kisah percintaan dia... yeah.. hurm....  aku jadi macam x tau na ckp ape just bagi die nasihat.... but bukan slh die sgt la kan....  why semua lelaki klu bercinta je na kena or wajib  na gi date sama2....  bukan kata dorang x jmpe langsung... atcually jmpe la jgak.. cuma kadang2 je itu pun dlm wedding function je.. but klu laki tu betul2 cinta kat akak aku nape die x mau paham keadaaan skrg ni???  die asyik ajak kuar... then akak aku x nak...   x matang betul lah... but yeah  i know la.. klu da bercinnta tu memang rase na outing sama2 je kan.. but... still...  kita ni x de pertalian ape2 n bukan muhrim pun... then na ajak kuar berdua-duaan tu asal... die kata awk x percye kat saya ke???? even how much i trust on u.... theres alwys have a third person when we 2gether....  why cant u think by u own bodoh....! tension gle la dgr cite cam ni... then my sis stand that my parent x bg kuar... i said.... itu bukan apa yang mak bapak kita ajar... didikan mak bapak bukan macam tu.. then why u na ikot bodoh tu?? xp akak aku x nak ikut pun... cume dorang argue and keep argue abt this stupid things... boleh laki tuh cakap dia boleh minta izin dgn bapak aq??? wht that guy thinks? uhhh.... berani die tnye... bapak aq bawak parang nty... but however i still feel greatfull sbab akak aq  tetap dgn pendirian die... which is so good i think....   im sorry sis, i know this might be hurting u but... u need to do things after u think abt u mak, bapak n u fmly not kind of easy to believe in guy so..... hope u ok wth tht... laki tuh sbnarnye not that bad... die ok n ensem la jugak... then i know that u realy love him n think that guy love u so much too...  i can see but... please nana.... dont too trust a guy.... that will hurt u.... and that feeling was realy scary.... kalau aku tau dia main2 kan hati kau nana... siap laki tuh... !!!! xp klu ko rse die bahagia kan ko... u can keep going nana... and i always pray to Allah that u will find the good one for u my dear sis.. i loove u... then aku pun bukan benci kat laki tuh cuma nak kau lebih berfikir pnjg skit... i know he was good n kind,... die pun suke bt lwk bodo ngan aq.. and keep teasing2 me.. its ok with me.. as long he lovve u... hope he will be u hbby n my bro in law... 

Thursday, November 15, 2012


ASSALAMMUALAIKUM...  hi there.. i really miss u so much. haha.. firstly i realy dont want any one to read this... such a bull shit u know.! haha..wokey.. now i understand for make any of changes in our life was so hard... i can even imaged this all will be this hard...ottokey???  nan chongmal busoo.. scary of the world...  somethimmes it make me feel that world is so cruel... the person in this world was realy scary... but atcually i realy want to change but it seems so difficult...  how must i do now? inthe same time.. i also worry so much ... my mind like want to explode.. pushhhh. pang pang pang.....  hahai dont know what must i do now... i realy confius now..  it seems like i will had a realy hard time in next sem.. YA ALLAH.... apa patut hamba mu ini lakukan... aku betul2 dah butuh sgt...i become weak and more weaker.....  what must i do??? chongmal molla....! i feel like want to cry.. but i cant i must get stronger.. but how......???? i dont know what to do....  but while i just sitting and keep on thinking what to do, that so much more problem and things show up infront of me.....  i was realy shocked.... YA ALLAH give me more strength  n power to  solve this all... give me the right way to go for my life...... mybe this all was my fault.... i know but..... im try so hard to change but... u know evrythings right Allah? im a ordinary human that always make up the problem n alwys do the wrong things...  right now i feel like really want somone to motivate me n stay beside me n hold my hand tightly.... but... theres  no one i can see... not everythings we can let our parent know... its bcuz.... u will know when it happen towards u...   but u know.. when its come to the parents story..... i really want to say that i realy love them all...  u know there is somethings that our mom n dad can read our face,... hahha..... but  that make them all really understanding person.... makk... u was too awesome for me... for me... u can read my feeling... whenever it comes to angry, sad, happy, dispointed or whar ever it is u can know me...  i really love u mak.. i cant even think my life without u even one second....    bcuz that i try hard to live this life... just for u...  u are my motivated... u alwys there when i feel down maaa.... that really make me feel i dont need anyone else axcept u maaa...... im sorry for being a lazy kids, im not a smart child mom but i will try hard to become a usefull child for u that alwys take care of u n make u happy n secure wit me...  for my daddy... i love u... i realy manja with u ryte...  o SUBAHANALLAH.... i cant even say anythings bcuz i just so so so  greatfully sangat sangat to Allah to had a parent like ur.....  that all really make me feel that im not a good kid for ur...  I really hope u will live much more longer in a healty  body.... in this world for me  ilove my family and second is my friends....  these two a really important to me in my life now.....  ok  bye.. see u nest time... i want to sleepppp.. hwa hwa...

Thursday, February 9, 2012

MoDDy PeRsOn!!!

hurm.... aku pu x tau la napa aq ni moody person kan...mybe sebab aq bnyak pikir kot... kesian kat akak aku asyik kene marah je... xp skrg die boleh tahan gak... die menjawab balik bile aq marah die... ayat die pun boleh tahan... rase na lempang je.. xp aq malas na cari pasal... memang salah aq pun kot sbab aq asyik tension je kan... xp aq memang x de mood la skrg... aq geram je.... rasa na nangis je xp x nangis,mcm ni la jd nye sbb x nangis then simpan semua dlm ati n terseksa sendiri.. padan muke aq... xp ape leh bt kan.. aq memang mcm ni pnye org... aq malas na ckp byk la ngan fmly aq... bpak aq asyik tension x tentu pasal je.. balik kje je.. aq bukak pintu je nmpak muke die tension senyum pun x mau... geram je... aq ade byk cite na cite ngan die....xp tgok die pun mcm x mau dengar.. then malas la na ckp... teh td lak aq nmpak mak aq lak tibe2 mcm na naik angin ni.. jarang aq tgok mak aq naik angin ni..  slalu die just membebel je... membebel dgn marah lain kott... so time mak aq ngan marah tuh aq diam je la, bt ape na menjawabkan...mybe mak aq pun ade darah tinggi ke ape???aq rimas la cam ni...akak aq ni pun satu.. time aq da kne marah cam tuh pas2 bru la die na ckp ni la tuh la ngan aq.. memang mengamuk la aq kan... pas2 time ngamuk ngan die tuh klu aq silap ckp cam kuang ajar kan die lak naik berang. patutnya klu aq silap ckp ngan die time tuh die kne la diam je kan sbb aq ngah sedih kot... die lg push2 aq.. aq geram tros bising n nangis skali.. bru2 ni aq tension sbb aq kne sound ngan bpak aq then akak aq lak na sound aq... aq bsing kat akak aq smbil nangis... die terkejut tgok  aq nangsi sbb aq ni bukan yg jenis suka nangis dpan org pnye... aq x tahan la...asal ek rase mcm family aq da lain da... aq rse cam tension je ngan dorang..... bpak aq sikit2 mara2.... nak ckp ngan bpak aq pun da malas sbb nty kne mara gak.. so better aq diam... time aq da mule diam dgn mak n bpak aq , aq just ckp sikit2 n yg perlu je... x mau la cte lebih2... aq lupa lak pasal akak aq... aq kan slalu cite2 ngan die n hapy2 n bt lawak ngan die.. tibe aq da diam n bt muke tension je kan... die sedih n mengamuk kat aq td.. hahhaa/ pun x tau ape yg aq na bt ngan diri aq ni.. aq keliru sgt....rse cam sekelip mata je sgala nya da bukan anak yg terbaik utk mak n bpak aq walaupun aq rse aq lah yg terbaik utk dorang dulu tapi skrg aq x rase cam tuh lagi... aq rse cam aq ni menyusahkan dorang je.... tapi kan kalau nak cakap sujujur nya dari hati aq kan... aq rindu kan family aq yg dulu.. penuh dgn gelak ketawa, kasih sayang, kemanjaan dan nak bpak aq senyum n bt lawak ngan anak2 mcm dulu n mak aq sentiasa syg kan aq n x de na marah2je... skrg jmpe je dorang na mara,, skit2 n mara... anak mana yg suke klu cam ni... aq dah cuba jd anak yg terbaik utk dorang rse cam na peluk bpak n mak aq kuat2...... skrg aq gaduh ngan akak aq... die pun x na ckp ngan aq.....smo org yg aq sayang makin jauh ngan aq skrg... im feel so lonely now...i need someone to explose my feeling.... i love ALLAH..... i feel better when i think abt ALLAH.... i believe ALLAH... ALLAH will make everythings well.... thanks ALLAH....  my life is change now!!!!  im so sad (cry)......  thx blogger for make me feel better now.... after i cry when i write this all my heart feel good... wht a relief!===

OBB CrEW GeT 2geThEr BaCk.!

Sunday, January 15, 2012

my comeback stage.^^ hello..

hai.. agak lama x dtg melawat kat blog ni.. rse mcm malas je na on9 skrg.. herm.. xp rindu gak kat blog aq ni..  agak nyew ape yg aq na cter ek??? erm....?? mcm ni la.. thn 2012 pun da tiba, mcm2 yg telah aq lalui.. pahit, manis,masam, pahit..... semua laa.. memang semua benda yg aq lalui memberikan aq pengajaran.... azam thn 2012 aq ialah untuk menjadi seorang yg lebih kuat agama dr sblm ni.. then na jd seorang wanita yang matang dan berfikiran positif dan lembut hatinya.... ape2 pun kite kne cuba utk jd insan yg lebih baik dr thn2 sblm ni.. thn ni aq dah masuk 20 thn.. so, rse pun mcm da besar je kan.. da blh jd mak org da pun..  so aq kne lebih bertanggunjjawab dlm melalui liku2 kehidupan ini... aq rse mcm x lama pun kte ni idup di dunia ni.. makin cpt hari berganjak makin takut aq rase bila pikir kan kehidupan di akhirat nty.. aq ingin melalui hari2 dan  setiap saat dlm idup aq seprti hari ini adalah hari terakhir aq hidup di dunia ini.. aq ingin membuat semua org yg ada disamping aq bahagia dan tersenyum... itu sudah cukup apabila kita melihat org yg bersama  kita sentiasa bahagia.. kerana kegembiraan mereka ialah kegembiraan aku.... aq boleh korbankan segala galanya utk membahagiakan org yg aq sayangi termasuklah mengorbankan nyawa aq sendiri.... thn 2011 sgt mencabar utk aq.. sama ada dlm hal keluarga, pelajaran dan lain2... aq x bleh lupa aq nangis almost setiap ari.. sgt terseksa..  aq punye sakit tu smpy boleh berat aq pun dah turun xp sikit je la.. cume muke aq nampak cengkung... aq mengaku memang aq x pernah alami keadaan yg aq alami thn 2011...  sbb tu aq tekad na berubah utk thn 2012 ni.. arap2 aq akan berjaya... but now.... i just wanna say tht i'm so happy wif my happy family... but i can see somthings wrong going on  but however i just pray to ALLAH  for protect my family n all muslim... i hope i can do what ever i dream in this year;... doakan saya.^^v....peace...